“I think a large part of my success is the fact that I’m a huge believer in hiring the right people and giving them unbelievable amounts of power and autonomy.”
– Blake Mycoskie, Founder, TOMS Shoes
Creating a successful team is more than just getting the right people on the bus. It’s also about making sure that they are in the right seat on the bus.
You have to lead people by their behaviors, actions, and strengths, not based on your desired outcome.
Lead your team based on the things they have control over. When you club them over the head with things out of their control, they get frustrated. What do top performers do when they get frustrated? They go find somewhere else to work where its easier to perform well and at their peak ability.
When you discover that a team members plate has things on it that are keeping them from performing at 100% you either have to double down on helping them grow in areas of weakness or help them double down on their areas of strength.